16 June 2023

Patreon supporter only: Zhang Lian (張璉), Flying Dragon Emperor

Flying Dragon Temple in Raoping County, Guangdong, built to venerate Zhang Lian.
Flying Dragon Temple in Raoping County, Guangdong, built to venerate Zhang Lian.
I came across Zhang Lian's rebellion while researching and revising my blog posts about Wokou. A very interesting figure, Zhang Lian was not a Wokou but a mountain bandit through and through, although he was often conflated and lumped together with other Wokou, especially by later historians, in part due to the unfortunate timing of his rebellion (happened around the same time as Jia Jing Da Wo Kou), and in part due to the legends that arose after his death. In any case, Zhang Lian's rebellion (and many rebellions like it), is an interesting case study of the drastic difference in scale and behavior between Chinese-initiated outlawry and Japanese-initiated Wokou raids, which adds to the reason as to why Jia Jing Da Wo Kou should not be viewed as a Chinese phenomenon.

This article is exclusive to my Supporter-tier Patrons and can be accessed here. If you like my work, please support me via Patreon!

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