2 November 2015

Yi Hu Pao (翼虎砲)

Ming Chinese Winged Tiger Cannon
Drawing of a Yi Hu Pao, from 'Jun Qi Tu Shuo (《軍器圖說》)'.
Yi Hu Pao (翼虎砲, lit. 'Winged tiger cannon') is a late Ming Dynasty large handgonne or light cannon. It is said to be more powerful than other cannons (debatable, given the difference in size and bore), very accurate, and fairly portable. It is mounted on a wooden frame that allows its elevation to be adjusted.

Zeugbuch Kaiser Maximilians I
Doppelhaken, from 'Zeugbuch Kaiser Maximilians I' by Bartholomaeus Freysleben.
Similar weapons were in use in the Holy Roman Empire (and elsewhere in Europe) since early sixteenth century, but did not seem to gain prominence and quickly phased out by other, more advanced firearms.


  1. Any records of if this large handgonne was ever used, or in what regions of the Ming empire?

    1. I think there are records of its use in Liaodong border garrison, can't remember the detail though.


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