1 li (里) = 0.576 kilometer or ~0.358 miles (Qing Dynasty measurement)1 bu or pace (步) = 1.635 metre or ~5.36 feet
1 zhang (丈) = 3.2 metre or ~10.5 feet1 ying zao chi (營造尺) = 32 centimetre or ~12.6 inches
1 cai yi chi (裁衣尺) = 34 centimetre or ~13.4 inches
1 liang di chi (量地尺) = 32.7 centimetre or ~12.8 inches
1 zhou chi (周尺) = 22 centimetre or ~8.6 inches
1 cun (寸) = 32 millimetre or ~1.26 inches
1 fen (分) = 3.2 millimetre or ~0.126 inches
1 ba (把) or 1 quan (拳) = Nonstandard length unit roughly equal to the width of the fist of an average adult male.
*Note: Ming Dynasty chi (尺) could be divided into several types. ying zao chi (營造尺) was used for carpentry and other crafts, cai yi chi (裁衣尺) was used for tailoring, and liang di chi (量地尺) was used for land measurement. Zhou chi (周尺) refers to measurement unit of ancient Zhou Dynasty, although Ming period zhou chi was actually slightly shorter than actual Zhou-era chi.
For the purpose of determining weapon dimensions, one chi usually refers to one ying zao chi. However zhou chi was sometimes selected by some military authors in place of ying zao chi without warning, which often confuse modern readers.
1 jin or Catty (斤 or 觔) = 0.59 kilograms or ~1.3 pounds1 liang or Tael (兩) = 36.87 grams or ~1.3 ounces
1 qian or Mace (錢) = 3.69 grams or ~0.13 ounces
1 fen or Candareen (分) = 0.369 grams or ~0.013 ounces
1 dan (石) = 102.37 litre or ~22.51 Imperial gallon1 hu (斛) = 51.18 litre or ~11.26 Imperial gallon
1 dou (斗) = 10.24 litre or ~2.25 Imperial gallon
1 sheng (升) = 1.02 litre or ~1.79 Imperial pint
1 he (合) = 102 mililitre or ~0.18 Imperial pint