27 October 2020

Sheng You Yin Huo Che (盛油引火車)

Drawing of Sheng You Yin Huo Che, from 'Wu Bei Zhi (《武備志》)'.
Sheng You Yin Huo Che (盛油引火車, lit. 'Oil-carrying fire starting cart'), also known simply as Huo Che (火車, lit. 'Fire cart'), is a two-wheeled cart equipped with an on-board furnace as well as one or several woks filled with boiling oil and embers. The cart is used to set fire to wooden gates and towers, by delivering cartloads of burning hay to the base of enemy fortification. If enemy defenders attempt to douse the flame with water, the water will cause the boiling oil to explode, spreading the fire even further.

It should not be confused with Chinese rocket cart.


  1. Sry i dont know if theres a rule against commenting on unrelated posts, but this is on the topic of me trying to find the chinese sashimono you mentioned on an old post.
    Although I was able to find the vague description of sashimono's that you talked about within Qi Jiguang's cavalry descriptions (i cant read chinese very well),
    I could not find the painted depictions you spoke of, but I did find the
    BEHOLD! THE TERRIFYING ELITE QING DYNASTY FIGURE SKATERS: https://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2011/75b8eb96-f5be-4065-847e-5055dd391d93.jpeg

    this is literally the only depiction my crappy search could find.
    Honestly im definitely not as good of a researcher as you. If you have the time and patience, do you have any more specific recommendations for renditions of this? Its hard to convince people that China also had sashimono's with only a painting of freaking figure skaters.

    1. Also HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! if thats a thing you celebrate

    2. Happy halloween! It's more of a worldwide festival now actually, I don't personally celebrate it but yeah.

      These are two artworks of Qing back banner that I scrapped off the internet.


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