16 October 2016

Tong Zi Jian (筒子箭)

Ming Dynasty Dart Thrower
Drawing of a Tong Zi Jian (highlighted), from 'Wu Bei Zhi (《武備志》)'.
Tong Zi Jian (筒子箭, lit. 'Tube arrow'), also known as Tong Jian (筒箭), is a large, open-ended bamboo tube that contains fifteen to twenty darts, sometimes poisoned. This weapon is supposed to be launched by hand, although the exact mathod of using it is yet unknown.


  1. so this is the Chinese version of a hawaiiian sling? since its like a bow or atlatl

    1. Good day and welcome to my blog.
      I actually thought about its relation with atlatl, but I am honestly not sure if a atlatl-like device can launch so many darts at the same time, so I didn't make the comparison.


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