25 March 2016

Xu Guang Qi's De Sheng Bing (得勝兵) — Part 3-2

Yi Zi Shao (一字哨, lit. ''One' ideograph company)
Layout of a Yi Zi Shao formed from Fang Wu, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Empty circles represent Fang Wu. 
Layout of a Yi Zi Shao formed from Yuan Yang Wu, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》).' Note: Two vertical black lines represent one Yuan Yang Wu.
Yi Zi Shao was the line formation for Shao-level tactical unit. It could be formed from either Fang Wu (方伍) or Yuan Yang Wu (鴛鴦伍). Porters, support personnels and company leader were positioned behind the line.

Shao-level Unit Rotation
As the number of troops increased, unit rotation also became more complex. Rotating unit was no longer the relatively simple affair of switching between front line troops and reserves, but complex intra-unit manoeuvre.

Er Zi Shao (二字哨, lit. ''Two' ideograph company')
Er Zi Shao Fang Wu rotating using Chou method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Empty circles represent Fang Wu.
Er Zi Shao Fang Wu rotating using Die method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Empty circles represent Fang Wu.
Er Zi Shao Zhi Wu rotating using Chou method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Two vertical black lines represent one Yuan Yang Wu.
Er Zi Shao Zhi Wu rotating using Die method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Two vertical black lines represent one Yuan Yang Wu.
Er Zi Shao Ping Wu rotating using Chou method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Horizontal black lines represent Ping Wu.
Er Zi Shao Ping Wu rotating using Die method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Horizontal black lines represent Ping Wu.
Er Zi Shao was the upscaled version of Er Zi Dui (二字隊), it could be formed from either Fang Wu, Yuan Yang Wu or Ping Wu (平伍), and could employ both rotation methods. As the formation would become very wide if formed normally, distance between sub-units could be reduced slightly.

San Zi Shao (三字哨, lit. ''Three' ideograph company')
San Zi Shao Fang Wu rotating using Chou method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Empty circles represent Fang Wu.
San Zi Shao Fang Wu rotating using Die method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Empty circles represent Fang Wu.
San Zi Shao Zhi Wu rotating using Chou method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Two vertical black lines represent one Yuan Yang Wu.
San Zi Shao Zhi Wu rotating using Die method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Two vertical black lines represent one Yuan Yang Wu.
San Zi Shao Ping Wu rotating using Chou method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Horizontal black lines represent Ping Wu.
San Zi Shao was a new three-line formation devised by Xu Guang Qi (徐光啟) for Shao-level tactical unit. Unlike other formations, San Zi Shao was a detachment formation as it consisted of only fifteen sub-units (company leader and the rest of the sub-units stayed behind). It could be formed from either Fang Wu, Yuan Yang Wu or Ping Wu, and could employ both rotation methods. It could even use two rotation methods simultaneously.

Zheng Zi Shao (正字哨, lit. ''Straight' ideograph company')
Zheng Zi Shao Ping Wu rotating using Die method, from 'Xuan Lian Tiao Ge (《選練条格》)'. Note: Horizontal black lines represent Ping Wu.
Zheng Zi Shao was another three-line formation devised by Xu Guang Qi. Similar to San Zi Shao, it was also a detachment formation, but mostly employ Die (叠) rotation method.

Other blog posts in my De Sheng Bing series:
Xu Guang Qi's De Sheng Bing — Part 1
Xu Guang Qi's De Sheng Bing — Part 2
Xu Guang Qi's De Sheng Bing — Part 3-1
Xu Guang Qi's De Sheng Bing — Part 3-2
Xu Guang Qi's De Sheng Bing — Part 4
Xu Guang Qi's De Sheng Bing — Part 5

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