30 October 2015

Dao Chong (刀銃)

Dao Chong (刀銃, lit. 'Gun sabre')
Ming Dynasty gunblade
Drawings of Dao Chong, from 'Jun Qi Tu Shuo (《軍器圖說》)'.
Dao Chong is a single-edged sword with a hidden handgonne in its hilt. The handgonne can be discharged at unsuspecting enemy at close range before the sword is drawn, either wounding or killing the enemy outright or leave him too surprised to defend against follow-up attacks.

Ri Ben Chong Dao (日本銃, lit. 'Japanese gun sabre')
Drawing of a Ri Ben Chong Dao, from 'Bing Lu (《兵錄》)'.
Ri Ben Chong Dao is a Japanese-style sword with a hidden handgonne in its hilt. Despite the name, it is still a one-handed weapon that can be used in conjunction with a rattan shield.


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