26 August 2015

Bian Chong (邊銃)

Ming Dynasty Stave Gun
Drawing of a Bian Chong, from 'Wu Bei Yao Lue (《武備要略》)'.
Bian Chong (邊銃, lit. 'Border gun' or 'Frontier gun'), also known as Chong Gun (銃棍, lit. 'Staff gun') is a relatively common but very obscure firearm of the Ming army. True to its namesake, it is commonly found in the hands of frontier troops. Bian Chong is essentially a double-ended handgonne that also doubles as quarterstaff. It has one rear sight and two front sights, one on each end of the barrel, to facilitate aiming.

Sometimes one half of Bian Chong is wrapped in bamboo or rattan to serve as quarterstaff grip.


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